Initial Evaluation

Initial Evaluation

At MMHW, we make it a point to determine the most effective treatment for each client from the outset. We accomplish this by recommending that clients meet with a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist for their initial mental health assessment. Clients also have the opportunity to meet with a wellness specialist that can assist in the coordination of services that research has demonstrated to be essential to total wellness. It is this unique tripartite approach that allows us to achieve a truly comprehensive assessment.

After the initial evaluation, with your consent, our consultation team meets to discuss your prospective care. The team will devise a personalized mental health and wellness plan to meet your specific goals. This collaborative approach allows us to help you achieve the best possible results.

We strongly encourage the participation of MMHW Psychology and MMHW Psychiatry in the initial evaluation process. Even if you are receiving treatment from an outside provider or only choose to engage in psychotherapy or psychiatry services, this will enable all practitioners on the MMHW Consultation Team to participate in providing the highest quality integrated care.
